COMMUNION OF SAINTS 475 Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones L. M., with Alleluias Lasst uns erfreuen Ps. 148 John A.L. Riley, 1906 “Geistliche Kirchengesäng” Cologne, 1623 thems and the ub ets and a o ech proph ser im, ser glo pa per cher than archs an nal tri rious aphs, ing, blest, phim, thrones, in ers er ye ye the in ness glad souls than and Re Ye 1 O 2 3 O 4 friend, watch high spond, im, rest, sing, More Ye Su Bright ones, let end cher ho us less ly ub nal tyrs the God mar ter prince Word, Son, strong, pow’rs, do er ly the ther, ions, th’ e ye Fa Twelve, of min Lead Al Al Raise doms, strain, es, ia! ia! le le le Al Al Al Al glad prais lu lu le le le their the To Cry Thou Ye ia! ia! ia! out, Bear ho God ia! lu lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! ia! Al le le le Al Al Al le le le le Al Al Al Al lu lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! ia! lu lu lu lu le God tues, gra saints an mag um Spir arch cious, tri the And All Most Vir song, One, ni Lord, Three raise fy an it, phant, gels, in choirs, the the gels’ lu men. le le le le Al Al Al Al lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! ia! A lu lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! ia! Al le le le le Al Al Al ia! ia! ia! ia! le le le le Al Al Al Al lu lu lu lu